Sunday, November 8, 2009

Maybe 1/4th There . . .

Well it's Sunday night and after working on the Marpro since last week the following has been completed: All ceiling titles removed - Sanded Once all the wood beams down to raw wood, well ok actualy today I re-sanded down to raw wood.

There are the side moldings that still have to be removed on both dock and water side.

Once that is done and sanded down - then comes the staining process of the Wood. Just opened a test can of Cherry. I'm really liking this, waiting to see how it actually dries.

Here's really the next step before staining - is having Harold, hopefully - work on the wiring in the ceiling, ensure that all is there where it needs to be and add any thing else we might need.

Keep coming back for updates as they will be posted. . . .

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